The Power of Daily Warm-Ups: A Classroom Management Game Changer
“Daily Warm-Ups, Bell Ringers, Do Now’s”, there are many terms to describe that very first opening activity your students start once they walk in the room.
Science Openers are so easy to incorporate into each day!
Today, let's dive into a classroom hack that is my secret sauce for smooth sailing throughout the school day – you guessed it, it is the magic of daily warm-ups. So, grab your coffee and let's chat about why incorporating daily warm-ups into your routine is the key to keeping your classroom shipshape!
Picture this: the bell rings, and your students walk-in, take-out their binder to get their warm up paper, copy down the question of the day, go into their notes or chat with a friend to discuss the answer to record this on their paper. This is a typical day in my classroom. I am taking attendance, answering questions from absent students but my other students are focused and beginning their daily warm up right away.
Whether it's a quick math F=m x a question, a definition, or a “describe the 3 parts of an atom” prompt, these bite-sized nuggets of content from the day before gets everyone's focus going right away. Plus, daily warm-ups set a positive tone for the lesson ahead, helping to curb any disruptions before the students even think about it.
But that's not all – the benefits of daily warm-ups stretch far beyond those precious first few minutes. As you do this each day, you're creating a predictable routine that kids can anchor themselves to. This routine doesn't just help them mentally prepare for the lesson; it also creates a sense of structure and familiarity. And guess what? When students feel at ease and know what to expect, the classroom becomes a space where they can comfortably express themselves and engage with their peers – a true paradise for learning.
I tell my students these are their “free points” each marking period. The daily warm up sheet is a hole-punched word document copied onto yellow paper so they can find it easily in their binder. There is room for 5 questions and answers on the front and 5 more on the back. They get one point for the question and one point for the correct answer. Getting a 20/20 on this is NOT hard at all. I give them 2 day’s notice before I collect them and they are a snap to grade! You can use the daily warm up to review a challenging test question or to engage them in what you are studying that day.
So, there you have it, my favorite classroom management tool: daily warm-ups. They're like the glue that holds your class together – engaging their minds, setting the right vibe, and giving them a reliable routine to hang onto. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into teaching waters, give these warm-ups a shot! Your classroom will thank you, and you'll find yourself basking in the glory of a well-managed and focused classroom